These buds take an average of 9 months to mature, but can be short as 6 months or as long as 21 months, depending on the species.

A mature Rafflesia bud, on the verge of opening. Some locals call Rafflesia buds "brown cabbage", obviously reffering to the striking resemblance.

The bud slowly unfurl to reveal the orange-coloured petals characteristic of Rafflesia keithii.

The bud slowly unfurl to reveal the orange-coloured petals characteristic of Rafflesia keithii.

A fully opened Rafflesia keithii flower in bloom, lavishly displaying its gigantic size and beauty. The largest Rafflesia keithii ever recorded 28.5 inches, making it the largest flower in Boeneo.

True to the cliche 'beauty does not last forever', the Rafflesia deteriorates after just five to seven days from first opening, after which it will become a black slime.
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