" --we have no choice but to cast them together, as oddities, into their own category, much as in an asylum we bring together the mentally ill, whose mania are extremely varied, but of whom no one is really what he pretends or imagines to be " (Trattinick, 1828)
The flowering episode is however brief, and will last no more than a couple of days. Once the flowers are in bloom, no one is really sure how the flowers are pollinated, or how the seeds are dispersed. One botanist even suggested that termites, which would place it at the feet of elephants to aid its dispersal, could disperse the seeds! Beyond the visible display of flowers, the remaining life-cycle of the Rafflesia remains a mystery to botanists.
Botanists currently recognise 14 or 15 species of Rafflesia, and the plants are known only from Asia (namely, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and Phillipines). Many of the species are extremely rare, and have been recorded from only a handful of localities. In Malaysia, we boast of having nearly 50 % of all known Rafflesias. Of these, R. cantleyi is found only in northern Peninsular Malaysia, and R. keithii, R. pricei and R. tengku-adlinii are found only in Sabah (Malaysian Borneo). There are several important Rafflesia sites in Malaysia, many of which are worth a visit for they are also important conservation areas. In Peninsular Malaysia, R, hasseltii has been recorded from Taman Negara and Ulu Belum (an exceptional area of biodiversity, which has recently been gazetted as a conservation area). R. cantleyi, a Malaysian endemic, is more widespread and has been commonly observed in bloom around the Gopeng and Taiping area (many of the known sites have not been formally recognised as protected areas).
Apart from National Parks, a unique initiative had been launched to protect Rafflesia sites on privately owned land in Sabah. One such site is near the town of Ranau, in a small village called Kg. Kokob. A local resident of Kg. Kokob is conserving the site of R. keithii, one of the largest flowering Rafflesias in Sabah. It is a very commendable initiative, and amazingly the Rafflesia was only discovered on their land as late as 1995, despite it being a family homestead for many years.
Efforts to conserve Rafflesia on private land need to be encouraged. One can help simply by visiting these sites. In Kg. Kokob, between 1995 and 1999, a total of about 500 visitors (both local & foreign tourists) have visited this site. The small entrance fee charged goes a long way to enhancing the conservation of this most remarkable species. Similar initiatives need to be encouraged, and there are many other sites in Peninsular Malaysia, which can adopt these simple prescriptions for conserving the world's largest flower.
In Peninsular Malaysia, one of the most alarming trends is in the collection of Rafflesia buds for use in traditional medicine. Often the collectors are experienced jungle experts, local orang aslis, whom are paid as little as RM 1 per bud. The buds are eventually sold in the market place for around RM5 or are processed into medicinal preparations. The belief is that the Rafflesia buds will help mothers recover after their pregnancy. In fact, the local name for Rafflesia, Bunga Patma, illustrates how deep this folklore is our culture ("Patma", is a Sanskrit word for "fertility").
In a local wet-market in Ipoh, a Malay woman had once regularly sold Rafflesia buds. She had been asked recently why she had stopped selling them, her answer was ominous, "tidak ada lagi"(there are not any left). It is clear that the over-collection of Rafflesia buds will pose a serious threat to the conservation of Rafflesia. These practices, as well as the loss of habitat, are some of the problems undermining the efforts to conserve our magnificent flower.
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