Wishing U Happy Eid 'ul Fitri

Salam Lebaran, Minal Aidil Wal Faizin

Feel free to use the e-card above as it is.

AN-NUR | Inside Tokyo Mosque & of Domeless Mosque...

Just as mentioned in earlier post, here are some photos of the beautiful interior.

The first thing that awe struck one who enters the main hall is this beautiful art.

I was not alone in the mosque, there were also some tourist/visitor admiring the beauty.

At one corner, one can see the Holy Quran placed on the Rehal.

And at another corner, one can find the Arabic Scripts.

A different view of the mosque's interior.

A view of the main entrance, and the upper deck is for the female jemaah.

Something to ponder:

I have this vision, that if I have the opportunity to build a mosque, I would build it in such a way that it is not those typical "dome and minaret" type of mosque.

Instead, I would build/design it according to the modern designs, perhap something like the
"durian" Esplanade, Singapore, or the Beijing's Bird Nest or even their Water Cube, or the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

Did you know that,
Masjid Nabi S.A.W (Prophet's Mosque) during the time it was built has no dome? It was made from clay and date leaves as roof, and the column was from the date's tree trunk!
As mentioned by Ibn Umar from Sahih Al-Bukhari. The dome was only been introduced in the generation after the Prophet as one of the widely used architecture by the Muslims.

Dome is not one of the condition in building a mosque, but the utmost important is the function of the mosque itself, i.e. to develop the ummah.

Despite the beautiful dome and such, some mosque fail to perform its function, where as the domeless Masjid Nabi has perform its duty and have risen the image/capacity of the ummah.

Mosque without a dome might considered to be awkward or "missing" in today's context, but as a matter of fact, a non-functioning mosque is the one which is considered to be wrongful in Islam!

Wallahuaklam bisawaf.

Just of the record, two sample of modern mosques in the neighbouring country of Singapore are the Masjid Darul Ghufran and the latest one is the Masjid An-Nahdhah. These are what I meant by mosque with the not so typical design.

Salam Ramadhan, for the Muslim, remember to pay your Zakat.
Adfddddn ddahdhah

TOKYO | Turkish "Craftsman" Delight

It is really something to see a great piece of work, like the handcrafted wood panel or even stone's carving.

Just like working on this piece of carved wood, it takes a considerable amount of skills to made such piece of art.

Designing, etching and carving each bit of area to the required details.

From plain block to a meticulous detailed designs.

Steady hands are required, as any mistake will damaged the solid timber.

One of the finished products.

SEOUL | Halal Food Guide

For those Muslim travelers who are very particular about their food/diet intake, here are some guide to where you can enjoy Halal Dining Experience.

All of these are actually located in the bustling Itaewon area, if in doubt, just set your GPS or direction to the Seoul Central Mosque, and along the path, there are many Halal food vendors.

For those who just want some quick bite, you can hope into this bakery, Salam Bakery, just a few steps from the mosque.

Waz Wan, is one of the recommended restaurants on the Korea Tourism Islamic Food Guide, just a "stone throw" away from the Salam Bakery, no buffet thou, but just a la carte and some set meal.

Located in the otherside of the road, Usmania is also a recommended restaurant stated in the Korea Tourism Islamic Food Guide, the Food Guide is endorsed by the Imam of the Seoul Central Mosque, serving both a la carte and buffet, the price is quite OK, considering it's location, and you can either dine in or sit outside the patio and enjoy the people walking pass the alleys.

Moghul is just next door to Usmania, but with a large outside dining, quite a different ambience from Usmania, can have a try here as well.

Or for those budget wise traveler, you can try these cosy eatery, must be very delicious because it says Makanan Yang Sedap Ada Disini!

SEOUL | Central Mosque Part II

Here are the last set of photos for the Seoul Central Mosque.

A different angle of the minaret.

A view of the mosque's interior, just a simple, yet practical area for praying.

Outside view, from the main entrance.

Prince Sultan Islamic School is located within the mosque's compound.

Seoul Central Mosque in it's full glory.

AN-NUR | Seoul Central Mosque

Itaewon in Korea is one of the happening area in Seoul, as it is some kind of an international tourist area.

Before traveling to both Korea & Japan, I have set on mind, and put on my must visit list, to visit at least one of their mosques.

Alhamdulillah, by God's will, I managed to step inside these mosques, and share with you, a glimpse, more or less, Islam in these developed cities.

Hope, by doing these, people can appreciate each other's religion more.

And amidst the busy surrounding of Itaewon, here lies the biggest mosque in Seoul, or in Korea even.

A very prominent landmark, which distinguish this structure from the others within the vicinity.

Arabic motif decorating the concrete cladding.

The traditional pillars on brick layout.

An easily recognisable Islamic patterns decorating the pillars.

Compared to the Tokyo Mosque, this mosque is quite old, built in 1976, yet it is still "flowing" along with the modern era.

AN-NUUR | Tokyo Mosque

Tokyo Cammi & Turkish Culture Centre or also known as the Tokyo Mosque, is the largest mosque in Japan.

Combined with the modern Japanese construction method with designs, material and craftsmen from Turkey, the new mosque was completed in 2000, to replace the old mosque which was constructed in 1938!

Costing more than 1.2 Billion Yen to construct, this mosque is actually situated in the Shibuya District, built "head-to-head" with the rest of the modern structures.

The flags of Turkey & Japan can be seen flying side by side outside the mosque, symbolizing the cooperation between them.

Arabic Calligraphy engraved on one of the outer facades.

Up-close with one of the details.

A glimpse of the 41.48m minaret.

During the trip, there were also some local tourists visiting the mosque.

NOTE: Interior photos will be posted in future posts.

AN-NUR | Ramadhan | Eat or Pray First?

Ramadhan, the 9th month in the Islamic Calendar, is the month where Muslim all over the world are fasting for a certain duration of the day.

Brunei starts fasting today, whereas the neighbouring countries i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore started yesterday.

Each Muslim community throughout the world, have their own way(with accordance of the Islamic ways) in determining the 1st of Ramadhan.

In Brunei, the sighting of the moon is use to determine the starts of Ramadhan and another sighting will also going to be held to determine the starts of Syawal.

If the "new moon" is sighted, then the 1st day of the next Islamic Month will starts the next day, otherwise, it will starts the day after.

Masjid Al-Ameerah Al-Hajah Mariam, Jerudong, one of the major mosques in Brunei, taken from the 1.3mp camfone.

During the whole of Ramadhan, definitely there will be an increase number of religious activities.

One of them is the offering of food for the breaking of fast, or also known as Sungkai.

I would like to share some insight regarding Sungkai and praying.

This statement (In Malay) is by the Perlis State's Mufti, Malaysia, please take note, (what I always wanted to stress to those sungkai's host but they seem to not understand, mun paham bisai)

Menyegerakan solat Maghrib selepas berbuka dengan tamar atau air, sekiranya makanan belum dihidangkan. Hadis yang kita nyatakan di atas menunjukkan Baginda Nabi s.a.w. dengan rutab atau tamar atau air sebelum bersolat Maghrib. Maka kita disunatkan juga mengikuti langkah tersebut, iaitu selepas berbuka dengan perkara-perkara tadi, lantas terus menunaikan solat. Ini sekiranya makanan belum dihidangkan.

Adapun sekiranya makanan telah dihidangkan di depan mata, maka dimakruhkan meninggalkan makanan untuk menunaikan solat. Ini berdasarkan apa yang dinyatakan dalam hadis-hadis baginda Nabi s.a.w. antaranya: Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a.: Bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

“Apabila telah dihidangkan makan malam, maka mulakanlah ia sebelum kamu menunaikan solat Maghrib, dan jangan kamu tergopoh-gapah ketika makan malam kamu.”

(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Dalam hadis yang lain daripada Abdullah bin Umar, Baginda s.a.w. bersabda:

Apabila dihidangkan makan malam seseorang kamu, sedangkan solat (jamaah) telah didirikan, maka mulailah dengan makan malam. Janganlah dia tergopoh-gapah sehinggalah dia selesa.”

(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Riwayat di atas juga menambah:

Bahawa Ibn Umar r.a. apabila dihidangkan untuknya makanan, manakala solat pula sedang didirikan, maka beliau tidak mendatangi solat melainkan hingga beliau selesai makan, sedangkan beliau mendengar bacaan imam. Ini kerana meninggalkan makanan dalam keadaan keinginan yang kuat untuk menjamahnya atau dalam perasaan lapar, boleh menghilangkan khusyuk di dalam solat, disebabkan ingatan terhadap makanan tersebut. Dengan itu para ulama menyatakan dimakruhkan solat setelah makanan terhidang di hadapan mata. Kata an-Nawawi (meninggal 676H): Di dalam hadis-hadis tersebut dimakruhkan solat apabila terhidangnya makanan yang hendak dimakan kerana ia boleh mengganggu hati dan menghilangkan kesempurnaan khusyuk.

(An-Nawawi, Syarh Sahih Muslim, 4/208, cetakan: Dar al-Khair, Beirut).

Sebenarnya bukan pada makan malam atau solat Maghrib sahaja kita disunatkan mendahulukan makanan yang dihidang sebelum solat, bahkan sunah ini meliputi semua solat dan waktu makan kerana dibimbangi menghilangkan khusyuk. Ini sekiranya makanan telah terhidang di depan mata. Al-Munawi (meninggal 1031H) pula menyebut:

“Hadis tersebut menyatakan hendaklah didahulukan makan malam sebelum solat Maghrib. Namun ia juga dipraktikkan juga pada solat-solat yang lain. Ini kerana punca arahan ini ialah bimbang hilangnya khusyuk.”

(al-Munawi, Faidh al-Qadir, 1/295, cetakan: al-Maktabah al-Tijariyyah al-Kubra, Mesir).

Malangnya ada di kalangan yang kurang faham, lalu mereka menyatakan bahawa kalau azan sudah berkumandang, hidangan dan makanan hendaklah ditinggalkan demi mengutamakan solat jemaah. Inilah kedangkalan meneliti hadis-hadis Nabi s.a.w., lalu mengandaikan agama dengan emosi sendiri.

Adapun sekiranya makanan belum terhidang atau perasaan keinginan terhadap makanan tiada, maka tidaklah dimakruhkan untuk terus solat. Ini bukanlah bererti kita disuruh mementingkan makanan melebihi solat, sebaliknya tujuan arahan Nabi s.a.w. ini ialah untuk memastikan kesempurnaan solat. Al-Imam Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani (meninggal 852H) memetik ungkapan Ibn Jauzi (meninggal 597H):

“Ada orang menyangka bahawa mendahulukan makanan sebelum solat adalah bab mendahulukan hak hamba ke atas hak Tuhan. Sebenarnya bukan demikian, tetapi ini adalah menjaga hak Allah agar makhluk masuk ke dalam ibadahnya dengan penuh tumpuan. Sesungguhnya makanan mereka (para sahabat) adalah sedikit dan tidak memutuskan mereka daripada mengikuti solat jemaah.”

(Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, 2/385, cetakan: dar al-Fikr, Beirut).

So tau tah kamu tu mengapa inda ku tepakai mun orang memanggil sungkai, then suruh nya sembahyang Mahgrib berjemaah dulu, lain kali mun kan memanggil, biar tia makan/sungkai dulu, siapa kan sembahyang, sembahyang, sapa kan makan, makan, lagi pun awal abis, dapat awal ready kan sembahyang Isya/Terawih!

Sori jika ada yang terasa, tapi kan halnya, yang banarnya wah ni.

Sekian Terima Kasih.

Wallahuaklam bisawaf.
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