Well, every now and then, we do encounter humour as part of our daily life, either you are talking with someone you know, or might just overheard people talking about it at the cafe or the likes.
When not holding my camera, I will try to inject some kind of everyday humour in this site.
BTW, do not comment on the "stick figure", I know, it is crap, as I never did well in my art classes, but what I wanted to bring out is the message behind it.
And if there is good responses, I might bring out more.
Hope you guys like it ;)
*Click image for a larger version.
** Feel free to copy and paste, for non-commercial purposes only, but please do not alter in it anyway.
Well, it (BRIDEX) does really seems like a BRIDAL EXPO, loads of people I know think the same.
The Annual Photo Day in 2007 was about photos from various corners of the world.Photos from a 1.3MP phone's camera was concept for the Annual Photo Day in 2008.Now, The Annual Photo Day 2009 is about the same subject taken from 3 totally different cameras of different genre i.e. CANON DSLR EOS 350D, CANON PowerShot G10 and the SONY ERICSSON K850i phone's camera.What I am trying to bring about is, usually it is hard to tell which photo was taken with what camera.
The Petronas Twin Tower a.k.a. KLCC is one of the most photographed structure in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the challenge obviously is how to get a fresh angle.But in this post, I don't bother to get very creative, (may be for another future post) as I just merely wanted to point out that, it does not really matter what camera you are using, but how you compose the subject.








If any one of you know how to distinguish, or wanted to know which photo was taken from which camera, do leave a comment on this post.We will see how it goes from there on. So anybody dares to take this challenge?
The "funny" thing about the shopping area within this area is they closed early, around 5pm, except on Thursday night, when most of the shops open til 9pm.So if you want to experience some late night shopping, you can just go to the suburb.
King George Square Station, one of the major stations in the city centre.
Make sure you have the exact change for the fare, or you can just buy those travel card.
If you feel bored sitting in front, go change your seat, change your seat in every stop if you want.
Indooroopilly, why so many double letters, just like they spell kaangaarroo, no, it is really just kangaroo.
A nice big shopping area, adequate for your necessities. If you are up to it, shop till you drop, if you want to, or otherwise, just sip some coffee, and enjoy watching the people shopping.
It is time to go home now, and this is the bus, and the wheel on the bus go round and round, go round and round, round and round, go round and round, round and round .......
Oh no, the bus is moving, I missed the bus, lousy song that round and round, made me miss the bus.....
Factory outlets are usually located quite faraway from the city centre, and Brisbane is one of them.
Harbour Town is en route from Brisbane city centre to Gold Coast.
Make sure you are wearing a comfy shoes, and remember to bring some cash, or credit cards if you have any.
"Don't be afraid, I'm part of the family", Sigourney Weaver Alien 3, there are quite a number of such stars, if you a bored after those shoppings.
Can't help taking those contrasting colours.
Or if you are tired of shopping or window shopping, grab your camera and capture something "useless", like this worn rope.
Waheeey, what to some might be just a useless junk of steels erected and coloured, but to others this is art.
It has been awhile since I have updated this site with a proper post.Today is Sunday, so what else better to do than going off to the Sunday Market.
It was such a perfect day, with the sky so blue, and clean fresh air.
And off we go via the City Cat or in other word, the public transportation.
Arriving at the scene, expecting a busy crowded market like those in the local scene, but I was wrong, the area is located at those modern architectural advances.
I thought I was at the wrong place, so I had to use this telescope to make sure I was at the right one, and boy, you would be surprised what you can see thru this machine. ;)
So this is it, the Market, if you are interested to sell off some stuff, feel free to inquire within.Whilst traveling, I do enjoy the scene i.e. pause viewing the area thru the viewfinder, and "breath the fresh air", thus I did not captured many photos from this market.But what did impressed me was that, the variety of item that are being put on sale, going from one booth to another, you will find different products, from locally hand made child's toy, to herbal products, to local handicraft from clothes handbag, local t-shirts, local ornaments, foodstuffs, musical performance and many more.
But it seems that this much love market, are soon to be changed.