I bet, all of the local webpages will be posting about today's celebration, and I hope, you can find something here which is not available else where.
Different people have different view in contributing their share during this day, for us, this is one of our ways to contribute, by sharing the celebrate moment with all of you out there.
Having a quick breakfast before the big show, as they said, do not miss your breakfast.
Last minute adjustment of the attire.
The "coach", making sure the participants are in order.
A great bunch students, all of them are prefects, from MD, as they said, the hostellites are requested to participate in the field performances, where as the non-hostellites were asked to participate in the flag waving.
Well, well, well, no prize for guessing who they are. Great gears Mister!
Another participants, doing his last minute touches. Rugged you atu Mister!
Some of the participants from the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports, MCYS.
The contingent from the People with Special Needs, having a chat with their Head of Contingent.
One of the many Zones, get your zones right, make sure you are either the Twilight Zone, Boyzone, "Zonas" Brothers!
Some pretty ladies who cannot resist to see me in gear, asking to capture their sweet pose.
Happy 25th National Day.
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