Photo What...? ... is back again ...Something to brighten up you week ahead, Don't Laugh!These are just some photos that makes you go ... eeermmm... eh what ... or the like ....Taken with the CamFone, this one was found locally, not so sure if they really know what they are selling.
PLAY WITH ME ANYTIME WITHOUT REASON!Man ... do the person wearing that shirt, or any shirt with such text really means what they said?If they do, I am in! HAHAHAOr do they "understanding Engrish?", Just like this below, Which I found while traveling to Japan, in one of the posh areas in Tokyo.
With the Tobacco Order in place now, so I declare this area a "NO SMORKING" area.But the Top Photo What? Should be given to this photo, not really sure the origin of this, I bet most people have seen this photo, been circulating via email and stuff, hence I don't really know who took this photo, for sure it wasn't me!So the award goes to..... (promise me not to laugh)
... eerrrmmm.... what is wrong with this photo btw .... ?Have a good week ahead u all .. ;)
The subways in Tokyo are very crowded to the max during rush hours, so crowded that a special attendant will push people in the passenger car so that it will be filled to the maximum.Such occurrence do make the women feel uncomfortable, especially squeezing with strangers.Thus, because of these, the railway companies had introduce the Women Only passenger cars, (depending on the train) which will be applicable during certain hours of the day. It was also known, that such policy have also been adopted by many cities around the world.
Women Only Please.
Yeap, only women are allowed to board this particular section of the train.
So for the guys, need to board another section of train, on man, now how to find girls now ah, aiyoh so difficult now meh.
Is this why they called our life nowaday seems to be like the Rat Race
Even in the ordinary daily life, people are everywhere, just trying to cross the street looks like a big marathon.
... and when the light turns green, everybody goes to their own respective way.But a recent study have proven that, people commute everyday to the same places within the same pattern during the specific days of the week.And don't let me start with the "Chicken crossed the road thingy".Have a great weekend!
Whilst wandering around the vicinity, I thought, might as well capture some people walking along the perimeter.So hanging around for a bit, I manage to take this.
Three friends walking side by side, may be to find a place to have lunch or may be have just finished their lunch.
Or perhaps, might just have a quick bite, and have an iced coffee latte to go.
There are a number of palaces within "walking distances" in Seoul, and I guess it is true, you see one, you see it all.As the palaces are built more or less about the same structures, be it in design and colour, so it is adequate to visit just one palace, unless you are really into history and have so much time in your hand, then visit all of them.But I would recommend to visit the largest palace in Seoul which is the Gyeongbukgong Palace.Anyhow, since I have visited the Gyeongbukgong Palace, so this time around, I just wander around the Deouksugung Palace, or also know as Deoksu Palace, is one of the five major palaces in Seoul.Deouksugung Palace means Palace of Virtuous Longevity, located just across the road of Seoul City Hall.As the time was limited, so I just venture outside of the palace.
A passer-by seen concentrating at the writing placed around the wall of the palace.
Just few of the "plaques" placed within the palace walls, not really sure what it says thou.
Looking thru the window one breezy morning, overlooking the busy Seoul city, saw many interesting infrastructure of varying design and make.You can either go straight ahead, left, right or where ever who feel like going.
This is what greeted me almost every morning, so decided to explore ahead.
Walking along the street, stopping here and there, and finally after 30 minutes or so, this is what I saw, a huge TV made for karaoke! Unfortunately I could not understand Korean alphabets, otherwise I'll be belting a song in the middle of street, and might shattered some windows.
Zooming more to the top of the building, to capture more details of the Post Tower beauty.Thou some don't really like the aesthetics of the building, seems as if, Paul Bunyan have just axed the top part, yet it was a meant as a "space" design, and I'll let my architect friends to ramble about this more, if any.Officially opened on the 22 November 2007, this building which has 28 floors altogether, including 7 basements, are said to revolutionize the traditional governments' "matchbox" designed building.
When traveling to foreign places, the public transportation is the traveler's best friend, one can not avoid in using them when traveling, and it is not surprising that most of the time spend are in using this public transportation system, traveling from one place to another.
So just to fill the time when traveling, snap what ever you can, might as well capture it to treasure and document your journey.
Saw this guy wearing an interesting T-Shirt.
Failure is not an option.But I found more interesting is that "chip gumpal" i.e. that bunch of chips on a stick! Seems yummy, and it seems to be the in-thing in Seoul.
Street Photography is quite different from other type of photography, such as Nature Photography or Landscape Photography.Many factors have to be considered in doing Street Photography, such as types of lens to be used, what sort of gears to be brought/used, weather condition, available time, and human/vehicle traffic etc.Depending on the situation, it is advisable to carry as little and as light as possible, but if want to carry all your lenses and all your "heavy-weight" camera bodies, then it is up to, as long as you can withstand to carry all the load on your shoulder, than it is fine by me.Blend in with the community as much as possible, don't be a tourist! (Although it helps at times to be a tourist.)Sometimes, it is "impossible" to stand still to capture the scene, as the people are moving in all different direction, so you will be "shoved" here and there, hence be prepared for that.It is nice to be artsy-partsy with your photo some times, (shallow depth of field, or in the ordinary lingo some blurred some focus), but most of the time it is safe to have a greater depth of field (i.e. everything in focus), the rational is that, the background is important to tell you where you are, and sometimes it is the background where the action usually occurs.
Bunch of friend, in the midst of playing boardgame on the street of Seoul.This is just a sample photo of which I need the background to be focused as well, so that this single photo can tell that it is taken in a foreign place or for those who knows to read the character it shows it was taken in Seoul.
You can spend some more time, chit-chatting with the locals, come closer and do an artsy shot like this, BUT, in doing travel photography, if you are going to do this kind of shot, you cannot go far, unless you have all the time in your life, then go ahead do it as much as you want.But in my case, I have only a very limited time in hand, and many places to be covered, so I could not afford to do much art shot, so a real street photo is what I need.It is interesting to have a shallow DoF (Depth of Field) in your photo, but as mentioned earlier, u need everything to be in focus so that a single photo can say a story of where you are.
But in the contrary of what I have mentioned about doing art shot in your travel photo, it will also depends on what is the subject of your photo.I can get away with this shot because, the subject itself can tell you where it was taken, although some will argue that anybody can just stick that sticker anywhere, well, it is up to you to decide, you can either follow the rules of photography, or you can just break the rule and make your own rule and see where it fits.Happy "Photoing".NOTE: I wanted to post about the Tokyo Trip, unfortunately I have a problem in converting my RAW to JPG, for those who are well verse, I have just downloaded the latest Canon DPP 3.4.1 and installed it, but everytime I wanted to Batch Process, it says "An Error Occured", tried re-installing it and restarting the machine etc, but to no avail. I have no such problem from all the previous updates, tried to search the net, found the same problem but from a french site! Tried to contact Canon but still no answer. So anyone of you, who knows how to rectify this problem, do please let me know, the previous version is not available on the net either, so can't turned back!
Just some interesting posters, signages, ads and the like, found along the journey.
This sign can be found almost everywhere, even in Brunei, but this is quite interesting because it has the Korean writings on it, plus the so contrasting wall.
And somewhere near the vicinity, saw this interesting poster like ads, not so sure what it was all about thou.
And obviously, advertising does not only be on the wall or lamp post, it can also be hung on the neck of a willing person.
Just a quick post about the building within the vicinity.For those who loves, building, structures and the like, this is one of the places to be.
The reflection of a modern structure from also a magnificient building.
Another building with beautiful and interesting outer structure.
Tokyo is a city driven by high-class fashion.Adverts depicting people having branded goods are everywhere.For those luxury goods lover, especially Louis Vuitton, they all know that, Tokyo is the place to be. The Japanese consider it as a "crime" leaving your home without an LV.Omotesando Avenue in Tokyo, is the place of, once (in 2002) the largest LV boutique in the world, during the time of opening, there were 44 LV store in Japan, of which 7 of them are global stores!Japan is so special in the heart of most designers, that, some of their items are only available in the Japanese market!So what accompany a store of such size, 10 floors (6 above ground)? A huge advert of course!
A passer-by, walking pass a huge poster of the very latest addition to the LV's Damier Canvas family, which was recently launched in only 3 places in the World, besides Japan, the 2 other places are Hawaii & Guam!.
For the guys, FYI, the price of the bag, can get you an "L" Lens.Oh BTW, Did you know that, 99% of the items bearing the trademark LV monogram are fake!
Shibuya is one of the many must see places in Tokyo.
Just look at all those people walking/crossing the street! (More of this in future posts).For those of you, who like to watch people passing by, this is the place to be!Starbucks is available on that "QFRONT" building, so u can have a sip of your designer coffee, and just watch the people all day long.
This is a famous statue in Shibuya, no not on the right, that is Mitsukoshi San (not his real name), there, that statue on the left.It is the statue of Hachiko, the famous dog, who waited for his owner everyday after work, and even after the owner has passed away, he still waited for him until he too reached the end of his life.
Thus, for those passer-by who noticed about the faithful dog, they cast the dog in concrete and place him there, naaaah, just kidding about casting him in concrete, but yeap, then erected a statue to honour such drama.
This is also a major meeting area for many people, if you happen to be here, and wanna meet up with your friend or whoever, just tell them to meet up here, the easiest place to meet.
Or, otherwise, you have to look up at the street map which can be found at strategic places.
But no, not in traveling the whole world, how I wish, but well, may be some day, what this is all about, is about our local i.e. local Bruneian photographer being recognize by a global organisation.I have posted about recognization by our local institutions in an earlier post, but now this is by an international organisation.
The above photo shows one of the government buildings in Malaysia, and the photo was posted earlier during the Annual Photo Day 2007.Anyway, after a prior arrangement, this photo was selected to be published in one of the The World Bank's publications, for those who are interested to see the photo in the publication, you can click and download the pdf file here, and click the Full Report, it is free to download by the way.